Tag Archives: Love

But why?

Reality starts to kick in, true colors begin to show, and I’m just left here wondering why? I feel broken and sad, someone I truly cared about, gave my heart and body to just left me abandoned. No words discussed after his mistakes just silence. Three weeks have gone by and I’ll here from him once in a while, not much conversations happen nor is what happened discussed. I finally got fed up with having no closure and simply asked why? Why do you still talk to me after you hurt me, why do you send me things that make me laugh after you ignored me, just what happened to us? And after I confronted the situation suddenly there’s silence again. Actions truly do speak louder than work. Silence is golden my friend. Thank you for showing me the man you truly are, not capable of owning up to confrontation. Thank you for teaching me that people aren’t what they say they are and only time will begin to show you. So for all my WHY questions, you have simply answered them with your silence and actions.

The Feels.

So this is my first post. I’ve never been into writing, nonetheless sharing my thoughts and feelings publicly, but I figured being alone and feeling alone this would help. 

I moved to Georgia about two months ago, not by choice. I’ve been back to visit home twice since I’ve moved, and this time coming back I have never felt more lost and alone. I would say 2016 has thrown a lot of curve balls my way, and I just feel it all coming down on me now. Who am I? What am I doing with my life? Can you really trust anyone? These have been the questions running through my head multiple times a day. I feel as if I am stuck in a rut, I’m not working, my friends are in Miami, I don’t know what I want to do for my career. I can’t help but think to myself when will things fall back into place?! 

It’s been a rough journey these past two months. Writing this has helped me feel a bit better releasing my thoughts into the universe. I guess I have to be patient and truly work on myself and be happy with me first. I’ve also let a lot of people and situations control my emotions and feeling as if I need them in my life to feel good about myself… but I don’t. I need to feel good for me. This is going to be a long journey to self discovery, but I’m willing to share my experiences, share the raw side of things we rarely see in society. It’s time to discover what is my purpose.